Open files from last commit in Vim

:: vim, git

It is always a nuisance to remember which files were you working on when you last exited your editing session. I have tried different approaches, including:

  • leaving a test that does not succeed in order to get an errortrace that points to the next task I should tackle
  • opening the editor inside a tmux or screen session, and therefore never ending the editing session

The last idea I had was to create a unfinished Git commit (called “Unfinished: The commit title”), and use Git to retrieve the name of the files that were touched in that commit. You can do it like this:

$ git log --pretty=format: --name-only -n 1

If you alias that command in your .gitconfig, e.g. to lastedited, you can then open the files in your editor by command subtitution:

$ vim $(git lastedited)