How do you develop with Yesod

:: haskell, web

Yesod tutorials and examples can be found on the Yesod book, which is freely available online.

However, many of the examples given are self-contained (which means that handler functions, data models and templates are defined in a single module, where a Warp web server is started as well). There is a chapter that describes the scaffolded template, i.e. what you get after you start with Yesod, but it is rather a description of its advantages and structure, not so much a detailed how-to.

The purpose of this post is to explain to a new Yesod developer “What do I do after … ?” :

$ yesod init

Briefly summarized, what you need after this command is:

  1. Describe the data models your Web application is going to store persistently

  2. Describe which routes are going to exist in your Web application

  3. Write the handler functions that answer requests to those routes

  4. Write the Hamlet templates that are filled out by the handler functions (and possibly Lucius and Julius templates)

The yesod add-handler command automates the process of adding routes and handler functions.

Adding data models

A new data model has to be described in the config/models text file. With “text file” we mean that you write in “near free” syntax, but nevertheless many of the keywords are Haskell.


A new model consists of a name and a description of its fields. The description of fields consists, in turn, of a name and a type for the field. The type can be Int, Text, UTCTime, or other Haskell types. The type can also be qualified with a Monad (usually Maybe) and have a defaul value. Let’s see a simple example:

    title Text
    author Text
    publisher Text Maybe
    published UTCTime default=CURRENT_TIME

An identifier field is automatically added to each model. The name of that field is always <modelName>Id, e.g. for the previous model it would be BookId. This is a unique identifier stored in the database using the database mechanisms if available, or the Persistent module’s mechanisms otherwise. We usually do not need to care about writing this ID, but we will be interested in reading it from the database, as we will see later.

Another thing we get for free are accessor functions for each field. These are called bookTitle to get the title, bookAuthor to get the author, and so on…

With the mentioned, you can create your own models. Let’s review other features that are slightly more advanced but almost unavoidable in any app that is not completely trivial.

Reference other models

You can reference field in other models. This creates foreign keys in relational databases, or is managed by Persistent otherwise. You refer to the other model with an uppercase and join the name of model and field in camel case. An example is in the default models written by the scaffolding:

    user UserId Maybe

This is also an example of using the automatically created field UserId for the User.

Declare records to be unique

You can declare records to be unique with respect to a field. The unique ID are handed out to anything new in the store otherwise. You can specify that a record has to have a new value in one of its fields to be accepted. Again the default models provide an example of this:

    ident Text
    UniqueUser ident

Derive typeclasses

And as a last note, you can directly declare your models to derive Haskell typeclasses e.g. Eq, Ord, Show. Which means the model, when loaded from database and available to be manipulated, will have the correct functions of that typeclass already implemented. ( In the case of Eq, it will be equatable, in the case of Ord, it will be comparable, and in the case of Show it will be printable; this, of course, in the case the compiler can deduce out of the fields composing the model how to implement such functions for you ).

An example of deriving typeclasses:

    deriving (Show)

Adding routes

You declare new routes to be answered to in the config/routes text file. This can be automated with the yesod add-handler command. However, let’s review it to gain a bit of control on the underlying machinery.

A new route starts from the root / and lists a resource name and query parameters. After that there is a space, and the name of the handler function(s) that handle requests to that particular route. Again a space, and a space-separated list of HTTP methods that are allowed on that route. An example with all of these:

/book/#BookId BookR GET PUT DELETE

where book is the resource name, #BookId is the query parameter, BookR is the shared part of the name of the handler functions, and the allowed methods are GET, PUT and DELETE.

We say BookR is the shared part of the name because a single handler function is expected for each one of the allowed methods. That is, in the above example, getBookR, putBookR and deleteBookR are expected to exist somewhere (probably in a module called Book within the Handlers directory).

Usually the convention for a REST API is that GET allows to see an instance of a model, POST allows to create an instance of a model, PUT allows to modify an instance of a model, and DELETE allows to, well, delete it.

After you have added a new route, the application will not compile until there are handler functions for all of the new resources and allowed methods.

Adding handler functions

You add new functions to handle requests in modules under the Handler directory. This can be automated with the yesod add-handler command. However, let’s review it to gain a bit of control on the underlying machinery.

A handler function must exist for each resource and for each allowed HTTP method on that resource. That means if we declared the resource /donkey to accept requests with GET, POST and DELETE methods, then we have to implement getDonkeyR, postDonkeyR and deleteDonkeyR. The R means “resource”.

Let us see a stub example of one of those functions:

getDonkeyR :: DonkeyId -> Handler Html
getDonkeyR donkeyId = undefined

Handler function signature

Being a Haskell function, the function signature is important to understand what the function does.

In the case of Yesod, the input to the function are query parameters, which are typed to correspond to model fields. That is, you do not get an integer, but a DonkeyId — if you specified in the route that the donkey resource has a query parameter of that type. This helps ensure that there are no typos in the routes and models text files that cause your app to fail on deployment.

The output of the function is quite determined by Yesod, so it is easy to read, but you have to accept that the framework “knows what it is doing”. You usually have a Handler Html result type; which means that the result of your function is a function that knows how to answer a request with HTML. This function is what is going to be called by the application when it is running.

Do not let that make your head explode: it is like when you compile a function with gcc. It is not your source code that is run when the resulting binary is executed: it is the object representation of it. This is not exactly the same but for the moment, it is a good enough explanation.

Other output types for the function are Handler RepJson if the function returns JSON, or even Handler TypedContent if the function returns HTML or JSON depending on what the client has requested.

Handler function body

In the function itself, you may want to do many different things. Let us discuss the most usual:

  1. getting something out of the database and into a template for viewing ( Database -> User )

  2. getting something out of a template form from the user, and inserting that into the database ( User -> Database )

Database -> User

Consider the following function:

getBooksR :: Handler Html
getBooksR = do
        books <- runDB $ selectList [] [Asc BookTitle]
        (formWidget, enctype) <- generateFormPost bookForm
        defaultLayout $(widgetFile "books")

The first line after do allows us to get a Book model out of the database. The runDB function runs any query on the database, while the selectList function composes a query that returns its results as a list. The empty first argument means we take all fields from each record, and the second argument accepts a number of filters and modifyers. The example shown is equivalent, in SQL, to:

SELECT * FROM books ORDER BY "BookTitle" ASC;

Then we would go on to render the correct HTML template with the default layout. The template will have direct access to the books variable because it is in the same scope (the handler function). We will see how this happens when we discuss templates. The rendering happens with the line:

defaultLayout $(widgetFile "books")

The template rendering takes the defaultLayout function, applied on the result of loading a widgetFile by name. The default layout renders the template found under templates/default-layout.* and includes within it the result of rendering whatever is on the templates/books.* files. This helps make the look and feel uniform across the website.

(You may notice that we are skipping a line in the getBooksR function, between reading from database and rendering the template. It is concerned with form rendering, but for the sake of brevity we will not discuss it here)

User -> Database

Consider the following function:

postBooksR :: Handler Html
postBooksR = do
    ((result, _), _) <- runFormPost bookForm
    case result of
        FormSuccess book -> do
            bookid <- runDB $ insert book
            setMessage "Book registered"
        _ -> do
            setMessage "Invalid data"
            redirect $ BooksR

The first line after do gets the result out of a form that is defined and rendered elsewhere. The result may be a success, because all inputs are filled out and are of the expected types, or it may be anything else (an error), where we print an error message and do no more. If we have a success, then we can extract the specific book (of type Book) out of the FormSuccess monad via pattern matching, and then insert it into the DB via the Persist insert function:

bookid <- runDB $ insert book

Notice this works without any more specifications because we know, from the compile process, that the result of parsing the form contents must have enough informations to build a Book model, and a Book model can be written to database because we have already parsed it and created the necessary tables (in the case of a relational DB engine) on app startup.

Notice also we receive a bookId as a result of inserting, but we can ignore it.

After writing your handlers

After writing your handlers, you must make the application aware that they exist. Import the relevant module in in the Application module, and also remember to list them in the <application>.cabal file, under exposed-modules. This makes the cabal build system know that it must include the new handler files in the compilation, and the Application module aware that it has to import those modules if it wants to answer the calls to some of the resources.

Adding Hamlet templates

We said earlier that the variables extracted from storage are rendered in the template. A template is a file that lives in the templates directory and is called whatever we want the widgetFile function to find.

Hamlet is a template language that describes HTML to produce. A very short summary of Hamlet: you do not need to close HTML tags, this will be done for you. With the important exception of links. Do not forget to close them with </a>.

In the template, you can refer to any variable that is available in the handler function (because the generated code is inserted in the function code directly before the results are produced). See this example template to render a Book model:

<h2> Book: #{bookTitle book}

<p> by #{bookAuthor book}

Within the template, we can use the accessor functions we got for free out of the model definition. Remember that this is Haskell, so the function must go before the arguments. We drop into Haskell from the template by using #{ }.

There is more syntax to iterate over a collection of books and control if we render some thing or the other depending on the presence of a variable, but we will skip this. There is Yesod documentation available.

Let us mention another important feature of these templates: compiled in-site links. This means you refer to other pages within your website through their resource names, not through a simple string. In the homepage, for instance, you should include a link to the “books” page by using:

<a href=@{BooksR}>Add new book</a>

Notice you use an @, not the # symbol.

This makes it impossible for you to have dead links within the site. They are checked by the compiler on each site update, and the compilation will fail if there is something misspelled.

Summing up

We have reviewed what are the minimal changes you have to do to a scaffolded site in order to add a new feature to it, in some more depth than necessary since you can use yesod add-handler to make many of the changes for you. However, now you should understand better what is this command doing and why could it fail. The changes are:

  1. In config/models: describe data models stored

  2. In config/routes: describe routes served, as resources

  3. In Handler/<name>.hs: write handler functions that answer requests to those routes; include them in Application.hs and list them on <application>.cabal

  4. In templates/<name>.{hamlet,lucius,julius}: write the templates that are filled out by the handler functions